My name's Alca7raz.
I'm from the Pacific Northwest. I'm a weeb and an enjoyer of electronics, computers, mechanical stuff, pretty much anything I can analyze and/or tinker with.
Also enjoy music, most genres are good though currently stuck on vocaloid and similar (Teto is best :3).
Currently employed as an IT technician since 2008.
I co-host the New To Weeaboo podcast with my friend Nemesis, with whom I used to co-host an MLP themed podcast called Pony 411.
Pronouns are currently he/him, though I've been qustioning that...
I don't post much, but you can find me at these places:
Twitter: @Alca7raz_
Cohost: Alca7raz
Tumblr: alca7raz
Github: Alca7raz